Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Why do we celebrate International Yoga Day on 21st June?

Sun rises from the East and sets in the West, right?. Well, not precisely! Today, we are experiencing the longest day of the year with a beautiful weather in Gurgaon, and if you check the direction in which Sun is travelling through the day, you will notice its inclination towards the North. Yes, today is a special day - the Summer Solstice! and from the last 3 years it is being celebrated as International Yoga Day. The term 'solstice' finds its origin in the Latin words sol - meaning 'the sun' and sistere meaning 'to make stand'. On 21st June, Sun stands at the north most point of its journey and returns back from there after this day.

Sun as seen from Earth near Tropic of Cancer

On this day, we observe a 'Solar Noon' - as Sun reaches its highest position above the horizon at the Tropic of Cancer passing through the center of India (Indian calendar is defined around Ujjain, which is located at the Tropic of Cancer). So, today Sun was directly overhead, and that happens just once a year.

View of Sun rays falling on Earth on June 21

In essence, people in Northern Hemisphere are experiencing the maximum Solar Energy today and what better act than to perform Yoga on this day! So let us rejuvenate ourselves for the rest of this year and remember the fruits of life with Falhari.

A musical Yoga session by Falhari

PS: We thank our ever-energetic Prime Minister for helping United Nations recognize the importance of inner well-being through Yoga.

PM Modi performing Yoga in Lucknow on International Yoga Day - 2017

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

What Your Favorite Fruit Says About You

Benefits of fruits are known to all of us. We are all aware what they do to our skin, hair, energy levels, metabolism and everything else. But what is also true is that not all of us like all the fruits. We do tend to like some fruit over another. For instance a Mango lover may not be a big fan of a Papaya and there are hard core Banana lovers who detest Grapes.

Did you know that our tendency to like one fruit more than the others also says something about our personality? We have put together some information here which will throw light on this interesting fact.

Apple Lovers

You are a born leader. You are an enthusiastic soul who is always in charge of their lives. You love to travel and explore. Your decision making is swift and your temper is swifter!

Pineapple Lovers

You get bored easily but you are a sincere co worker. You work hard and you are popular. Pineapple lovers are generally loyal and very good organizers.

Banana Lovers

You care too much about everyone. You are gullible and get affected by actions of others very fast. You need to stand firmly on your feet or people will confuse your sweetness with your lack of confidence.

Orange Lovers

You are creative and passionate about friends and family. Amongst your friends you will be the most patient and someone with a very strong will power. You tend to stay away from controversies and prefer peace over argument!

Mango Lovers

You are a bit stubborn as you are very strong headed. You take your own decisions and are rarely influenced by opinions of others. You are okay if you are alone as you would rather be that than be part of a group going the wrong way. Your analytical skills and gut feel is strong.

Papaya Lovers

Gregarious by nature, papaya lovers are flexible and open. Their sense of humor is their biggest quality and they are very successful professionally. You make friends easily and you retain them for a lifetime.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

How Fruits Keep Health In Check During Festivals

The festive cheer is in the air and while some parts of the country are already celebrating, Delhi will kick-start officially on Dussera day. Festivals are times for family gatherings, friendly bonhomie, gift exchanges and food! The fried and sweetened savories will be ruling our plates and come what may, the weight woes will return. We say it is not wise to fret too much over increasing waistlines during festivals because these are good times and one must make the most of them.

However, keeping health in check is not all that bad especially as when festivals end and reality beckons we are left with bodies we do not want to live in. 

Here are the ways fruits prove to be real champions when it comes to healthy eating during festivals:

1)      They kill the sugar craving: Fruits have ample sugar content in them hence they are best supplements for all the Jalebis, Rasgullas and Khoya sweets that you are eyeing. We don’t mean that you should completely shun sweets but if you have already had two, maybe popping a sweet fruit like strawberry or a slice of orange will be better.

2)      Aid digestion: Fibrous fruits like banana, apple, raspberry and mango are miracle foods as they keep your body systems in check. They will help you digest all the fatty foods you are otherwise consuming and keep you energized all the time. Fruits have anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals which are all repairing your body as non-nutritious food invades it during festivals.

3)      They take care of your skin: Don’t we already know the benefits of fruits for our skin? Oil and fat can take away the suppleness of your skin during festivals. If you add fruits in your daily diet, your skin will replenish the nutrients faster. This helps as you continue to look radiant when you dress up in the festive finery.

4)      They fill you up: If you eat a bowl of fruits just before sitting down for a Poori-Bhaaji dinner, you already feel full and will eat at least two Pooris less! So just before heading out to your favorite Aunt’s Diwali Dinner, fill your tummy with health and avoid over stuffing yourself with empty calories.

Wait no longer. Make fruits a part of your daily routine. The ease of having them delivered at your desk is what Falhari offers and you do not even have to think about which fruit to eat when. You can just sit back and relax while gorging on all the festive food as Falhari’s health portions will provide you the healthy fodder that will keep your fitness goals intact.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Falhari- The name, the genesis

If you are reading this, we assume you have taken out 5 odd minutes from your otherwise busy and fast paced life, where you are struggling every second to achieve something substantial as per a strategy. Aren’t we all chasing something or the other that somehow never gets done- no matter how much ever we think we tried? Even if we get the raise in the salary we were expecting or afford the car we dreamed of or manage to get our kids into a school of our choice- there is always this unfulfilled ONE thing which is still lurking somewhere, waiting to be achieved.

We would like to remind you that this never-ending loop of desires and fulfillment is a trap we humans have ably built around us and it is actually something we can get rid of. Firstly, it will make our life easier. Secondly, it will keep us healthy as there will be less stress and anxiety. To find the answers to your ‘How?’, we at Falhari, dug deep into our culture and tried to look for the most simplest and fool proof way to attain this freedom.

Falhari is your dose of fruits that get delivered to your desk, daily and as per the requirements of your body. You may ask, how fruits are even related to the above discussion of breaking the shackles of more needs and greater worries to fulfill them. There is a connection and we are happy to explain.
The answer lies in the very logo of our brand which has three elements to it. As you read along you will realise that the path to achieve ultimate peace is hidden within you and the search for solutions outside is futile.

The Man: Do you see a man in a sitting position in the logo above? That Man is ‘you’- the human being, irrespective if you are a man or woman. At the core of Falhari is You! You the customer, you the achiever and you the believer. We are in the service of anyone who wishes to meet the hidden truth inside oneself and is daring enough to accept the challenge of getting out of the circle of doing and expecting results.

The Almighty: The position of the You in our logo is that of a person praying to a higher power. When one is in prayer, one surrenders their fears, desires and worries in front of their God. It is in this state that we believe one achieves salvation. This prayer could be to give us healthy bodies and pure souls.

The Path: The very essence of the path towards salvation has been provided in scriptures. We are all aware of the philosophy- ‘do your duty and do not think about the outcome’. It is this one teaching which we believe every man should follow to become the true masters of their destiny. Be the Karmayogi and just do your duty, leaving the results to the Almighty described above.

Basically leave the Fal (outcome) on Hari (the Supreme)= Fal+Hari= Falhari

One of the ways to achieve the strength to keep going strong on this path is to keep oneself as close to nature as possible. Hence, why not start with fruits. Fruits or Fal, are the most potent ways to do this. Most fruits are eaten raw and when we apply our special Falhari twist to preparations of fruits, we make them even more palatable.

So all you Karmayogis, sitting in office, giving your best to your professional commitments, just rope in Falhari as your Fruits Partner who will help you keep your body healthy and propel you on the path to achieve peace of mind and tranquility which eventually leads you to the ultimate truth- Your duty is to do and not think about the results. 

Monday, 2 May 2016

Detoxing with Fruits

We have gotten used to using stimulants to make ourselves feel better.. A stimulant is a substance that quickly changes a symptom in an unnatural way. We use stimulants like refined sugar, coffee, cigarettes and spices to make us feel good, but they can never solve the core of a problem.  Only natural food can promote a healthy and thus happy physiological function.

Going for a detoxification exercise using raw and unprocessed naturally available foods is not a quick-fix but the right way to make one feel good about the body and improve psychological health. Any other way to feel good is phoney and not a long term solution.

Fruit can be used to help your body detoxify. The best way of doing this is not to eat anything but fruit until noon, as till that time, your body is still busy detoxifying from the night before. If you eat a lot of fruit, your body will detoxify itself, even if you don't change your use of stimulants!
The strongest detoxifying effect is caused by the acid fruits. Especially (red) grapefruit and lemons are detoxifying. Citrus fruit is all acid fruit but also tomatoes and pineapples are acid fruits.
If you are looking for a detoxifying plan, The 3-day fruit-cleanse diet formulated by Jay Robb might be of help.

Fruits for Mental Health

When you’re struggling with depressive symptoms, maintaining good eating habits can be difficult; this is the time when many people will reach for the comfort foods that are high in refined, processed sugar, refined carbohydrates and fat. These foods will contribute to fatigue, further aggravate poor mood and cause irregular blood sugar levels, this will then increase your cravings for more junk food and you will be more likely to reach for quick pick-me-up foods and the pattern continues.

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a diet with high intakes of fruits and vegetables was associated with fewer depressive symptoms. Fruits and vegetables are rich in folic acid. When a person is low in folate they can have an increased risk of depression, insomnia and mental fatigue. A person suffering from depression can show high blood levels of homocysteine. This amino acid can interfere with depression recovery and it also endangers the heart. Folic acid helps minimise homocysteine levels, so eating enough folate-rich foods may have an antidepressant effect. So, eat fruits every day and be happy!

Fruits for Diabetes

Most dietary recommendations for type 2 diabetics suggest eating fiber-rich foods including fruit. That’s because fruit is healthy and has been shown to improve artery function and reduce cancer risk. However, some health professionals restrict the amount of fruit they recommend because they’re worried about the sugar content of fruit.

But what does the research say? In one study conducted in Denmark, type 2 diabetics were put into two groups. The objective was to investigate whether an advice to reduce the intake of fruit to patients with type 2 diabetes affects HbA1c (Glycated hemoglobin), bodyweight, and waist circumference.

One group was told to eat a minimum of two pieces of fruit a day, and the other was told to eat no more than two pieces of fruit a day. There were no positive effects or weight changes in the group that had reduced their fruit intake. As per the study, the intake of fruit should not be restricted in patients with type 2 diabetes. There were also no positive effects on HbA1c or waist circumference in the reduced-fruit group.)

The conclusion of the study was that intake of fruit had no effect on HbA1c, weight loss or waist circumference. The study recommended that the intake of fruit should not be restricted in patients with type 2 diabetes.